Your Own Two Feet

Sometimes when you travel you have to do it on foot.  That happened to me on my travel home today.

Here is my car parked at the bottom of the driveway (by the trashcans).

Here is the driveway my car won’t go up.  Only one thing to do……finish my trip on foot.  For those of you who live in better climates, this is ice, not snow.  We got “iced” yesterday and it hasn’t gone away.  Most of the main roads are clear, but my road isn’t even a blip on the Department of Highways radar screen.  The only good thing I have to say about the snow and ice is that it fills in the potholes (I got that joke from a friend and love it).

Seriously, we have had hard winters for our area over the past two years.  I remember many winters when we would get little to no snow.  So what is up with this?  I heard on the news this morning that it is due to global warning.  Weird, huh?  Something about more moisture/water due to melting glaciers, etc. which apparently has really screwed up our water cycle resulting in more precipitation.  Come to think of it, we did get a lot of rain last summer because I lived on the tractor trying to keep the grass mowed.

Or…..maybe it has something to do with that voodoo doll I brought home from NOLA!!!!!!

Doing tax return tonight.  Now that is a journey I am NOT looking forward to!

Have you had any snow adventures this year?

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