The Girl Who Woke Up Sick

Today I woke up and the temp was 100+.  Not this temp:

But this temp:

Rainy, dreary, cold

So, the only placed I travelled to today was my “Woman Chair”.

The “Woman Chair” is actually a chaise lounge where I like to crash and watch television or listen to music or work crossword puzzles.  Today it was to read.  And yes that is animal print once again……

I fixed a cup of tea and settled in…….

Still reading “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” but almost finished and would have been if I had not taken a little nap.  It is a book with layers upon layers of theme and intrigues.  One big theme is the mistreatment of and sexual violence against women.

I veered off the path of reading a few years ago….strange for someone who was an avid reader from grade school.  Thanks to Stieg Larsson, I am back on track.

What book are you reading right now?

4 thoughts on “The Girl Who Woke Up Sick

  1. You poor girl with your temperature high.
    Go ahead with the naps, my- o- my.
    Trying to read will take its toll.
    Sit back and watch the Super Bowl.
    Leave your car by the garbage can.
    Relax and eat green eggs and ham.

  2. You enjoy the big game as well
    Hopefully the next morning you will have lots to tell
    Of touchdowns and field goals and tricky spins
    (I just hope it is your team that wins)
    And that you are not saying….”Please…
    I just can’t take anymore cheese!”

  3. Deena, didn’t know our baby girl was sick. Glad you’re better. I just finished the second book and on a library list for the last one, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. I’ve loved these books and especially the main character. Wish I had her computer skills. Mom

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