The Journey to Undweebdom

After feeling so “out of it” in terms of American Pop Culture during half time at the Super Bowl, I have decided to begin a journey to undweebdom…..

meaning I am going to try to educate myself on the trivia that everyone else seems to know so much about.  I am going to start that journey tonight by watching American Idol.

I have never watched an episode of “American Idol”.  Is that un-American?  Does that really speak to how much of a dweeb I am? 

Well, I began my journey by “liking” the facebook page “American Idol Net” which claims to be “the home of the latest and greatest American Idol news. It’s where all the cool Idol fans hang out!” And I do want to be a cool Idol fan!!!

Next I went to American Idol’s Official Site and found the schedule.  In tonight’s episode we will journey to San Francisco along with Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez.  We will sit through two hours of auditions and hopefully find some people talented enough to continue to Hollywood for The American Idol 2011 Top 40.  I could have cheated and looked at some of the prerecorded auditions, but I didn’t want to spoil the anticipation!

Finally, I created a new page on my blog so I can keep a running tab on who my AI favs are in the weeks ahead.

See you AI fans tonight…Fox television 8/7 Central!

Do you watch American Idol?

2 thoughts on “The Journey to Undweebdom

  1. Do I watch American Idol? NO!
    You can fill us dweebs in on the details though.
    So the next time you post a dweeb to see,
    You can simply put up a picture of me. ☺

  2. I used to watch AI but have not the last couple of years. Sometimes we wait until they’ve winnowed out the real losers than watch. That process can be painful to watch.

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