I Want My Parking Place Back

First of all, in case you haven’t noticed I pulled my American Idol page.  Two shows were enough for me.  I guess “once a dweeb, always a dweeb”.

Anyway, I heard on the news last night that Delegate Brian Savilla (Republican from Putnam County) introduced House Bill 3081, which would allow for “reasonable” corporal punishment in schools. Savilla blames mass killings like Columbine on the lack of discipline in schools.

This proposal almost rivals the 2009 pitch by Jeff Eldridge to ban the Barbie Doll because it can “promote or influence girls to place an undue importance on physical beauty to the detriment of their intellectual and emotional development”.  (House Bill 2918).

And dare I remind everyone about the legislation that was signed into code making it legal to take home and cook roadkill (WV state code §20-2-4).

Charleston!  I want my parking place back!

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