Reach Out and Touch Someone

Remember when there were a lot of concerns about AT&T becoming a monopoly?  In order to squash those concerns and soften their image, AT&T rolled out their now famous slogan “Reach Out and Touch Someone”.  Apparently they had never been on a conference call.

I despise conference calls.  Oh, I understand the need for them…….cuts down on travel, convenient for busy schedules, yadda, yadda, yadda!  But they are soooooooooooooo boring!

And are people REALLY focused during conference calls or are they multi-tasking?  I have been on conference calls where you can hear keyboards clicking and printers humming in the background.  And I think……haven’t you guys heard of the MUTE button?

The mute button and the cell phone are the best inventions for surviving conference calls.  They allow REAL multi-tasking to take place.  While on a conference call I have been able to excercise

And even take a bath!

Hey!  I had a wedding to go to and the call was going on and on and on…..

Okay, I got on this tangent today because I had a conference call scheduled for 8:00 this morning and a REAL conference at 9:30 and the REAL conference was miles away from my hotel and the conference call actually ran into the REAL conference.  And guess what?  I get to do this again next month.

I don’t want more of this touching

I want more of this touching

Plus……I kinda like to travel.

3 thoughts on “Reach Out and Touch Someone

  1. Thinking back it made me sad,
    To leave everything I had,
    And start out in an empty pad.
    Being alone would make me mad.
    However, in time it made me glad,
    To realize this was not a fad,
    And it wasn’t going to make me mad,
    Hey, living alone is not that bad!

  2. Heya…I have fallen behind on reading my blog subscriptions…so I am now back on track! This post cracked me up – I think you do what we all THINK of doing on conference calls. Unfortunately, all of my conference calls are during work hours – so no hot baths for me!! But the Mute button is a God-send – I most definitely multi-task… 🙂

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