
Nothing makes me feel as good in my job as spending a day in a school.  I loved school when I was kid.  That was probably a big reason why I chose education as a profession.  And today I was lucky enough to spend an entire day in an elementary school……the same school that turned me on to “Coffee Bears”  a few weeks ago (March 21st post).  This time they brought me back to my roots……Appalachia!

The school recently celebrated Appalachia Heritage Week and the remnants of the festivities still adorned the hallways.  One display showed student writings of why they were proud of their Appalachian heritage.  One work caught my eye:

“I am proud to be a mountaineer because we have pretty bear and pretty butterflies and in the fall the leaves change.  We have good music and we’ve got beautiful mountains”.

I ran across a funny display of student work.  Apparently they were asked to write about what they had learned during the week:

“I learned you can make your own apple butter and it might taste good”……(or not……)

“I learned some Appalachian sayings like ‘going to bed with the chickens’.”

“I learned that they used instruments and their own body parts to make their own music.”

Body Percussion!

But, by far, my favorite piece of work was from this little guy who did an awesome job of describing his roots:

“I am from gravel roads, squealing pigs and stinky smells and barking dogs.

From snowy hills and sledding to riding 4 wheelers to driving golf carts.

I’m from homemade macaroni cheese and mashed potatoes to homemade breakfast pizza.

From deer hunting to shooting targets and slinging slingshots to scooping pig poop.”

I’m from that place too and damn proud of it!

To Appalachia!

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