Sign of the Time

Three Saturdays a year I host a video conference for sign language interpreters.  It lets me get caught up on things in the office and gives them some continuing education to help them pass their CSET American Sign Language Test.

They are a nice group of people, but a little weird.  Even if they are talking to each other, their hands are going a mile a minute.

When I was a teacher, I knew the basic signs I needed in my class……



Let’s say I just got by.

It really is amazing how involved sign language can get.  Interpreters have to not only learn the signs but they also need to know about the deaf culture and syntax, grammar and situational variations as well as use of figurative speech……among a zillion other things.

Now, my group is doing a great job, but they need a little more help with learning how to say goodbye.  When the conference ended, I stood at the door (purse in hand and coat on) poised to shut off the lights and lock the door.  I’d been there for six hours on a Saturday, for goodness sakes!

When they continued to stand around and talk, I tried Pig Latin:

Iway amway oinggay otay ocklay ethay oorday andway urntay outway
 ethay ightlay ifway ouyay allway oday otnay eavelay ithinway
ethay extnay inutemay.

Apparently American Sign Language is the only foreign language they are familiar with.

So I thought…..hmmm…..what could be the sign for goodbye?

Sometimes the answer is right there in front of you.

See you gals next year!

2 thoughts on “Sign of the Time

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