Oh Deer II

Well, I received enough feedback from “Oh Deer” that I thought a follow-up was warranted. 

To begin with, I have to apologize for implying that hunters with guns blazing for deer would descend on our cities.  I got a response to my facebook telling me that urban deer hunting would only be for BOW HUNTING.  My reply…….”Okay, that sure makes me feel better.”

My boss told me that a local elementary school did a project on the overpopulation of deer in the city.  It was their task to come up with ways to solve the problem.  One solution they came up with was to round up the deer and bring them to our area parks.

I don’t know if that will work.  The walking trail at the park is crowded enough as is without adding deer to the picture.

A second solution was to put the deer on boats and take them all to Blennerhassett Island.

Then we could bring in the hunters with their bows and the tourists and call it “Extreme Vacationing”!

I have a better idea….let’s leave them alone.  I mean as long as they can obey the traffic laws who are they hurting?

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