Blogging Makes You Fat

My parents are staying with me this week.  They live in Florida so I don’t get to see them very often therefore I treasure the times we do get to visit.  Parents are great, aren’t they?  I mean they always make you feel good about yourself.  Take this morning…..I was getting ready to leave for work and I made an offhand comment about needing to lose about ten pounds.  I just knew they would reassure me that I looked just fine.  My dad said, “Well honey, you look…..healthy.”  HEALTHY!  That’s what people say about fat babies so they don’t hurt the parent’s feelings!  “Why, doesn’t he look healthy!”

And my mom!  She reached out and patted my stomach and said, “Women just struggle with this area of our bodies.”  Great!  I feel better now!


So, I schleped off to work, head down and tail between my fat thighs….er legs.


All day I thought about the reason why all of a sudden I am “looking so healthy” that my clothes are tight.  The only thing I could think of that has changed in my life over the past few months is that I now have a blog.  Could it be?  Can blogging make you fat?  Then I thought about it.  I used to get on the treadmill when I got home for work.  Now I get on the computer.  By the time I am finished blogging (and harvesting my crops in my vineyard) I am much too tired to exercise.

So, today I have decided to change my ways…..or invest in elastic waist clothing.  I am setting new rules….NO TREADMILL = NO BLOGGING.  So if you don’t hear from me for a while………I am searching for my “thinner” self.

and not having much luck!

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