I Need a Rodent Opponent

According to the Chinese Calendar, 2011 is The Year of the Rabbit.  But not in my house.  In my house, 2011 has been The Year of the Rodent.

Yes, the woodchuck is still living under my porch.  I still don’t know how much wood a woodchuck can chuck, but I DO know how many Rose of Sharon bushes it can eat.  I thought I had gotten rid of the varmit when my parents were visiting.  Between their dog barking like crazy at the scent, my dad shooting at it and the ton of moth balls we scattered, I thought for sure we had seen the last of him.  But alas, he was apparently only on vacation.  I guess the smell of moth balls did not deter him.  I, on the other hand…….

If that isn’t bad enough, I discovered that I also have ground moles in the back yard.  Ground moles are BLIND for goodness sakes and they STILL found their way into my yard!

And did you know that moles do not hibernate. Instead, they remain active year round, traveling under snow and ice.  These guys are here to stay.  Holey Moley!  At least I can kill them vicariously…

But, the real topper came yesterday when I went to the basement to do a load of laundry.  I opened the washer door and found a MOUSE!  The washer door had been CLOSED with a rug draped over the top of it!  So what am I dealing with now?  Houdini mice?

The way I see it, there is only one thing left to do….

I know when I’m beat.

5 thoughts on “I Need a Rodent Opponent

  1. I don’t like your post I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! You have a great SOH. I do have some suggestions- for the woodchuck, there’s this guy riding around on an ATV that chases them, you could hire him. As far as the moles, you can import some rattlesnakes, They chow down on them pertty good, but I’d buy some sturdy high top boots if you expect to walk in your yard. As far as the mice, I have this slightly used cat I’ll sell you.

    • I was afraid to mention the snnnnnake word as two years ago I had one of them too! NOT a rattlesnake or I would have already been out of here! I have a used cat as well. Tomorrow he will be in the unemployment line! Thanks for your comment!

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