Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I have a hair appointment tomorrow.  Every time this comes up, I have a dilemma…….cut it or keep it.  You see, most of my life my hair was short.  A couple of years ago I decided to grow it out and it has gotten fairly long.  But when you are my age…..let’s just leave it that I am older than Taylor Swift but younger than Joan Rivers….you start to wonder how long you can carry off the long hair look.  I remember swearing to myself that I never wanted to be one of those women that men see from behind and make passes, but then ,when they see the front, they pass out!

So, I dug out my trusty “Hairstyle Magazine” and started browsing through it for some ideas.  I forgot that I let my mom look through it when she was visiting.  There were so many pictures cut out of it that I thought Edward Scissor-hands had paid a visit.  But it does explain the ransom note I got in the mail.

Everytime I look through a hairstyle magazine I am amazed.  Some of the style options are a bit on the bizarre side.  I mean can you seriously see me taking in this picture and say, “I want my hair to look like this, please”.

But then again, if it would help me get rid of the rodent problem in my yard, I might consider it.


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