See Ya Later, Alligator!

There was an alligator loose in my town today.  Now, maybe if I lived in Florida this would not be big news…….but I live in WV!  Apparently, this morning, a five foot long gator was spotted in a neighborhood near downtown.

And we thought DEER were a problem!

Anyway, 911 was dispatched and after about 45 minutes the Department of Natural Resources, the Fire Department and the Humane Society managed to capture the guy.  And guess what they used to tape his mouth shut?  Duck tape.  Why didn’t they use Gator Glue?

And they could have baited him in with some Gatorade!

Okay, enough with the silly stuff.  I’ll leave that to the comments to the news story that were posted on our local TV website……..

In reply to someone wondering if it was an escaped pet:

  • Are you people serious? “I hope it was a pet” ..”I bet it was someones pet”….nah! I think it came in  a Greyhound Bus. Of course it was a pet!
  • Why??? I really do not understand why a person would have something like this. Some loser probably thought it would help him with the ladies, I think a cute dog would work better.

  • I would say it was someone’s pet which is seriously wrong. However; Momma needs a new pair of shoes and handbag to match:)

And there was this spooky comment:

  •  wonder how long its been loose i was nite fishing couple weeks ago across from the island when i got there somethin was maken splashes in water way 2 big for a fish then i seen somethin swiming up n down river with red eyes wasnt a beaver or anything people thought i was crazy when i said it looked like a gator

But, my favorite comment was this:

  • How did this not make the “Pet of the Week”?

And I thought Woodchucks were bad!

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