Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad

After work, I went to the City Park to walk.  Lining the park are trees that people have planted in memory of loved ones who have passed away.  As I was walking, I read the plaques placed at the base of the trees.  One plaque caught my eye:  “In memory of a loving wife, mother and grandmother”.  And I thought about myself and shrugged……. well, two out of three ain’t bad.

Oh, it’s not that I wasn’t a loving wife…..I loved all three of my husbands.

It just didn’t last.  I’m not sure, but somehow I don’t think “In memory of a temporarily loving wife” would work.

Since the only aisle I ever plan on walking down again is in a movie theatre, I guess the “wife” part is out of the picture (or plaque).  But that’s okay.  Sometimes brevity is best.

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