The Big Cheese

Last night we had a retirement party for my boss.  There were a lot of laughs and a lot of tears, but most of all, there was a lot of respect to a guy we not only love as a boss, but as a friend as well.  So, I thought I would dedicate this blog in honor of The Big Cheese.

I know The Big Cheese will carry away great memories.  Like the time three of us went to a conference in California and left the car at a “Park and Fly” near Columbus, Ohio airport.  We returned a few days later and discovered that the boss had left the sun roof open.  It was December.  It had snowed while we were away.  It was a cold drive home.

Or how about the time a secretary (who will remain unnamed) plastered the hallway with signs giving directions to the room where a conference was going to be held.  And the signs said…….”F U Workshop Second Door on Right”.  Some words are better left unabbreviated.

Last night, The Big Cheese told little stories about all of us.  Everyone of them was true except for mine.  He said that he could always count on me to say to him, “Well, you could have handled THAT better”.  That is absolutely NOT true and, believe me, I am going to make sure he knows how badly he screwed that up!

Well, I know he will handle retirement just fine.

We will miss you, Big Cheese!