Boys vs. Girl?

A while back I posted a blog about a little rural school I work with that has one teacher per grade level.  Well, I was back at that school today.  During one classroom visit I felt like something was strange but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until finally it dawned on me……there was only ONE girl in the class!

I thought to myself  that surely there were more girls….they must be absent today, but the secretary later validated the fact that, yes indeed, there was only one girl in a classroom of boys.

What is even more amazing is that it was a second grade classroom, meaning that if no other girls of that age move into this small rural town, this girl could spend the next four years in the same predicament.  I don’t know about you, but I think this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.  Can you imagine facing this alone for 180 school days?

Perhaps the county should seriously consider busing in girls from nearby towns….

Or at least give her a little space of her own during the day..

Hang in there, Sweetie and when times get tough, just keep reminding yourself…..