“Going” Modern

Okay, I am reading the paper this morning and an ad from a local cemetary catches my eye:

“Buy one plot for $1000 and get a second one at no cost”.

That’s a BOGO!

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that modern issues involving the economy, environment and increased technology influence the way businesses react….even the business of death…..and, like it or not, death is a business.

In order to preserve space, Japan offers an urn in which you can put the ashes of two people.  Kinda dispels the vow of  “til death us do part”.

Then there are Green Funerals…..literally.  Cremated remains are placed in biodegradable containers and buried in nature.  The decomposition gives nutrients to the soil that make grasses greener.

Not sure I want my resting place to be on the 9th Hole…..the 19th Hole maybe.

Some cemetaries are going high-tech and mapping the graves with GPS.  That should create some interesting new aps for the iPhone.

I’m sure Google Earth will be in on the action soon!