Ireland and the Pittsburgh Steelers

I may have been the last one on earth to know that the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Daniel Rooney,  is also the U.S. Ambassador to Ireland.  Nominated by President Barack Obama, he was sworn in on July 1, 2009.

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

 I discovered this news while in Ireland last September.  We were taking a bus tour of Phoenix Park in Dublin.  Phoenix Park is huge….about 1752 acres!  It is also a huge gathering place for the citizens of Dublin.  We were there on a Sunday and the place was swarming with people….walking, cycling, picnicking.  Pretty cool place right in the midst of Dublin.  Kinda like Central Park in NYC, but more open.  There are lots of monuments there.  This is the Papal Cross that was built for the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1979.

The President of Ireland also lives in Phoenix Park.

Ireland's White House!

 And, now I know, the Ambassador resides there as well.

Rooney's Home Away From Home

If I remember correctly, the time difference between Dublin and the East Coast of  the U.S. is five hours so a 6:00 pm Super Bowl kick-off time (EST) will be 11:00 pm Dublin time.  I imagine some Embassy staff just may stay up to watch the game.
Go Steelers!