Girl’s Night In

I love my grandsons……their unruly hair, untied shoes, and banshee cries as they jump off the bed or the couch or any other piece of furniture 2 feet or more off the ground.

But only with my granddaughter can I experience

The boys have these kinda transformers

G-daughter and I have these kinda transformers





They transform us into girlicious!

Oh, don’t worry, g-ma wants g-daughter to grow up smart and strong and independent too.  Tonight we did some sand sculptures.

We talked about patterns in color….yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue, red, etc.  Pre-algebra skills!

But then we braided hair

And painted toenails!

And before she went to sleep, she whispered in my ear…..”I love you, grandma.”

For once I am speechless.