Through Fresh Eyes

My oldest grandson just got glasses.  He is only in the second grade, but I am surprised it took this long.  His DNA on the paternal and maternal side is chock-full of bad eyesight genes.  Those bad genes sure do dominate those good genes, don’t they?  I mean take Mr. Perfect with all good genes who marries Miss Bad Eyes/Crooked Teeth…..he is guaranteed to have children who spend the rest of their lives visiting orthodontists and optometrists.

I entered Junior High School with both glasses and braces (Thanks for the genes, Mom).  It was pretty traumatic.  I heard it all….”boys won’t make passes at girls who wear glasses” and “You better not kiss a guy who also has braces because you will get locked together”.

I will never forget the day I got my new glasses.  When I got outside I started looking around and I couldn’t believe it!  There were LEAVES on the trees and WORDS on signs!  I felt like breaking out in refrain:

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

At least I was lucky enough to miss the cat-eye specs phase, but my sisters weren’t (tee hee)

A few years ago I decided to shed the glasses and contacts and have lasik surgery.  It was really an easy process.  It only took about five minutes.  I found out later that they have a TV in the hallway where people can stand and watch your surgery.  I thought that was a little weird until I heard an ad the other day stating that you could post a video of your Lasik surgery on Facebook.  What’s next….colonoscopies?

Don’t worry….I am not going to put in a pic of that!

Over the years glasses have gotten cuter and more socially accepted.  It’s not just nerds who wear them now.  You see a lot of famous people proudly wearing their specs.

Tina Fey

Julia Roberts

Johnny Depp

Glasses have even made some people famous!


Sally Jessy Raphael is quoted as saying, “You go to school, you get a master’s degree, you study Shakespeare and you wind up being famous for plastic glasses”

She has a point, but a stereotype does still exist that pairs glasses with intellect.  That may be true in a lot of cases, but there are always exceptions.

But in the case of my g-son… and cutelicious all the way!

Girl’s Night In

I love my grandsons……their unruly hair, untied shoes, and banshee cries as they jump off the bed or the couch or any other piece of furniture 2 feet or more off the ground.

But only with my granddaughter can I experience

The boys have these kinda transformers

G-daughter and I have these kinda transformers





They transform us into girlicious!

Oh, don’t worry, g-ma wants g-daughter to grow up smart and strong and independent too.  Tonight we did some sand sculptures.

We talked about patterns in color….yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue, red, etc.  Pre-algebra skills!

But then we braided hair

And painted toenails!

And before she went to sleep, she whispered in my ear…..”I love you, grandma.”

For once I am speechless.

G-kids and Mac ‘n Cheese

Some days you just need to put your big journeys on hold and take a comfort trip to a special place nearby for a little grandchildren fix with some mac ‘n cheese thrown in for added pleasure!

Twinkie One AKA "The Pink One"

Twinkie Two AKA "The Blue One"

Big Brother AKA "Why Me?"

Heading out of town tomorrow and gotta pack.  Possible “historic” storm heading our way……almost 1/3 of the U.S. population, over 100 million people may be impacted in over half the states.
Hug your loved ones and eat some mac ‘n cheese!

What do you do when you need some comforting?