Lunch With Soupy

Today’s destination:  Huntington, WV.

The city was named for Collis P. Huntington, who founded Huntington in 1870 as the western terminus for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (C&O) on the land west of the mouth of the Guyandotte River at the Ohio River. It was created as a railroad town for the C&O, when it initially stretched from Richmond, Virginia to the Ohio River. The city houses numerous railroad shops which expanded east to Newport News and west to eventually reach Cincinnati and Chicago in the years after its founding. (Wikipedia)

It is also the former home of Soupy Sales!

Soupy Sales graduated from Huntington High School in Huntington, West Virginia in 1944. He then enlisted in the United States Navy.  He sometimes entertained his shipmates by telling jokes and playing crazy characters over the ship’s public address system. One of the characters he created was “White Fang,” a large dog that played outrageous practical jokes on the seamen.

Soupy Sales enrolled in Marshall College, where he earned a Master’s Degree in Journalism. While attending Marshall, he performed in nightclubs as a comedian, singer, and dancer. After graduating, he began working as a scriptwriter and disc jockey at radio station WHTN in Huntington. (Wikipedia)

When I think about Soupy Sales, I think of this:

He claimed that he and the visitors to his show had been hit by more than 20,000 pies during his career.  He was a master in slap stick comedy.  So what better way to celebrate Soupy during a trip to Huntington than to go to a comedy show.

The Huntington Funny Bone Comedy Club and Restaurant is located at Pullman Square. 

Pullman Square is a pretty cool place! There are some bars and restaurants, a movie theatre, and some unique little shops. Today there were lots of people eating ice cream and enjoying the nice weather.

Back to The Funnybone…..Lesa (my friend, colleague and often times partner in crime) and I have a meeting on Marshall University campus tomorrow so Lesa got this great idea to do something out of the box.  Whallah!….The Funny Bone! Tonight’s feature was April Macie. 

Guys, she doesn’t look like this on stage and you better come with ego intact or this is what you will look like

Comedy has come a long way, Soupy!

Thanks Lesa! To good friends and good laughs!