Good Night Irene!

Today is my last day at Indian Harbor Beach, Florida.  It has been an awesome week, made even more memorable by an unexpected visitor by the name of Irene. 

While Irene was gracious enough to not visit Florida personally, she stretched out her arms and brushed us with her fingertips…..just enough of a touch to let us know she was out there.

What a show off!

I took a long walk on the beach this morning.  Irene’s powerful waves had washed several baby sea turtles onto the beach.  Apparently it is against the law or something to touch baby sea turtles.  Well, I came across one of the little guys lying on its back, legs flailing in the air.  It took all my telekinetic energy, but I managed to put the little guy on his feet and return him to his rightful place in the ocean. 

Seriously, that’s what happened!  I can bend spoons with my mind too.

Anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Well, hurricane or not, it’s been a great week, but you know what they say…..all good things must come to an end (and all bad things seem to stick around forever).  So tomorrow I get on a plane and head back to WV.  Back to mowing.  Back to working.  Back to groundhogs……BTW, if I came across one of them lying on its back and flailing its legs, I’d be equally fair in my treatment…

Can groundhogs swim?

“Irene good night, Irene good night,
Good night Irene, good night Irene,
I’ll see you in my dreams.”