I’m Not “Monkee-ing” Around

This morning’s “Today Show” had a feature on the upcoming Monkees’ tour.  Well, I didn’t monkey around….I immediately went to the computer and bought tickets!

Growing up, I was never much of a Beatles’ fan, but I ADORED the Monkees!  They were a staple watch for me on Saturday afternoons from 1969 to 1972……my preteen years.

Peter Tork was my favorite.

The sad thing about the reunion is that Mike Nesmith will not be taking part in it.  I guess he doesn’t want back in the limelight and who can blame him…..he inherited 15 million Euros from his mother  who invented the typewriter correction fluid which would later become the Liquid Paper empire.  I guess that is reason enough to “white him out” of this picture:

Yeah, I know, they are a little bit older than I remember, but when it comes to The Monkees, “I’m a Believer”! 

See you guys on June 24th!

Lovin’ the Locals

Because of the abundance of live music venues, two of my favorite places to visit are Nashville  and New Orleans.  Little did I know about the wealth of music talent in my own backyard.  A gal I went to school with plays the guitar and sings in area nightspots.  She goes by the name Smoke Stack Betty because a long time ago when she was riding her bicycle, the brakes went out and she had to slow herself down by dragging her feet.  Needless to say those shoes were a smokin’.

Well, I was checking out facebook and saw where Betty was hosting an Open Mic reunion at Six Pence Pub.  And it started at 6:00!  Most of these things don’t start until 10:00 at night which is when I am ending my day.

So last night I headed to the Sixth Pence and settled back with Bud Lite and Cheese Fries and enjoyed the music.

This was my first open Mic.  Musicians sign up to perform three songs.  They can do original songs or cover songs.  Betty did both.  Her rendition of House of the Rising Sun was simply awesome.

This one guy played guitar and harmonica.  He sounded just like Bob Dylan.

When I was young, I used to daydream about performing in front of a live audience.  I would practice in my bedroom….singing every song from Simon and Garfunkel “Bridge Over Troubled Water” album.  There was only one thing that stopped me from pursuing my dream:  I can’t sing!

But I can enjoy those who can.  Thanks, Betty for a great evening!