Congratulation Graduation

I went to a graduation ceremony tonight……not for the class of 2011…..for the class of 2024!  My twin grandchildren graduated from preschool. I guess it was a practice run for the real thing thirteen years from now.

Oh yeah…they had the caps and gowns and the whole she-bang!  Brady (the blue twinkie) has been excited for weeks.  “I’m going to have a congratulation and I get to wear a congratulation gown!”

Congratulation Gown

Honest to goodness, I found this on a website….

What’s next……preschool class rings?

Okay, you know I am just being facetious.  I enjoyed the evening just like I did when my own kids graduated preschool years ago.  The only thing that worried me was the fact that the twins were caring a sign that said this…

Preschool Graduation-2389

Congratulations on congratulating, Brady and Brandy!

The Pink and Blue Grads