Sing, Say, Dance, Play

Meeting Day Two.

Sing, Dance

It actually started off great! We had the wonderful pleasure to be entertained by an elementary school choir. They use a music series called Sing, Say, Dance, Play that connects music with movement, dance and speech. They sang and played percussion instruments and even danced to Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal”.

(Wonder if you need a “leaner’s permit” to make this move?)


I held a Directors’ Meeting over lunch. I forgot my planner at the table and did not realize this until I received a typed ransom note at 2:00 in the afternoon. The note said, “IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR PLANNER AGAIN LEAVE $50 IN UNMARKED BILLS AT THE EMBASSY FRONT DESK LABELED BF2 BY 3pm. It took a while, but the guilty party was unveiled!

Don’t let the smile fool ya!


I celebrated the return of my planner with a little play. Continuing with the Bacon Cologne theme, I asked my table mates what flavor of food cologne they would want their man to wear. Here are their responses:

  • “I like garlic and onions, but I wouldn’t like my man to smell like that so I would say Fresh-baked Bread cause I could snuggle up to that smell”. Ahhh, that’s sweet!

  • “Steak cause it’s tender and juicy.”

  • Chocolate cause I like sweet, dessert types.”

  • “Parsnips…..well, haven’t you ever peeled parsnips? They smell really good”. See what two days in a meeting will do to you?

  • “Pizza….with lots of toppings and sauce and melted cheese all over it”. Her eyes actually rolled back into her head as she was talking.

  • “Passion fruit…..self-explanatory”.

  • “Pepperoni Rolls cause they have meat and buns”. I am not touching that one!

  • “Wine”. I didn’t know wine was a food, but sounds good to me!

So, if any fragrance company happens to read this blog, they have a wealth of valuable information for future products.

Day Two down. One more to go!