The City Park

I envy people who live in an area with sidewalks.  When they want to take a walk, they simply go outside and start trucking away.  My house is no where near sidewalks.  I live about a half of a mile (.8 k) from a two lane highway.  Connecting my driveway to the highway is a half gravel, half dirt, 100% rutted out road.  But, one year I got the great idea that instead of driving to a place to walk, I could walk on my road…..two trips to the highway and I would have my two miles (3.21869 k) in.  (I really am trying to live metric).  Anyway, the first couple of times it worked out pretty good.  Then I started to get a little bored.  It was the same path and same scenery everytime.  So, I thought…..a cigarette would probably help me pass the time.  Well, the next thing I knew I was carrying my whole pack and puffing away.

This worked for a while, but then I started thinking again (uh oh) and I decided that carrying a thermos of gin and tonic was just as easy as carrying a water bottle.

Needless to say, I am back to getting in my car and driving to a place to walk.  My favorite place to go is The City Park.  It has always been called that……The City Park.  It is not Parkersburg Park or Wood County Park, it is THE CITY PARK.

I ran across a really cool website that tells about the history of The City Park.  It said that in 1897, at a cost of $52,000, the City of Parkersburg purchased 42 acres of land for use as a city park. Other land was added later.  Today it boasts  something for everyone.
• Baseball fields
• Basketball courts
• Tennis courts
• Miniature Golf (Seasonal unless you like to putt putt in the snow illegally)
• Swimming Pool
• Horseshoe pits
• Picnic facilities
• Children’s outdoor play area

In one trip around the park you could take 2,355 steps which is about 1.96 of a mile (pretty durn close to 3.21869 k). Depending on the direction you choose to take and how many times you go around the track, you will be surprised how easy it is to reach your daily step goal (10,000).

What do you mean depending on which direction you walk?  When I was at The City Park today, I noted that someone had painted directional arrows on my walking path.

Well, what if I don’t want to walk in that direction?  Are there going to be signs next warning me?

Police on bicycles pulling me over?

Jeez!  I just want to take a walk!  Maybe it’s time to get out my Smurf thermos again.