Trains, Planes and Automobiles

This is my car.

It has 88,144 miles on it and it is only 4 years old (and not paid for yet).  So I guess you know the prime mode of transportation I use when traveling.

These are my bumper stickers.  I guess I have a little redneck in me, but I figure if one has to spend a lot of time in one’s car then one should make it fun.

Traveling by car has its advantages. You can eat, listen to music or audiobooks, smoke, text and talk on the phone (just kidding). I guess you caught the smoking part.  Yes, I smoke and yes, I know it is bad for me, but, darn it, I enjoy it and sometimes it’s hard to find things in life you really enjoy.

I love to fly when I travel except for this….

Once you go past security you enter THE NO SMOKING ZONE and you stay in that zone until you reach your destination (and knock people over trying to get to the nearest exit…..the heck with waiting for your baggage). There are still a few smoking airports around.  Atlanta is one of them.  They used to have little smoking lounges but now just have a smoking bar in an extremely difficult place to find on the upper level (Concourse A, ride escalators up to Budweiser Brewhouse & Smoking Lounge). And of course you have to order something from the bar for the priveledge of using their space to smoke.  I ordered a bottle of water to go as I did not have much time between flights.

So the next time you are at an airport and see us poor smokers huddled together in the freezing cold in the smoking zone two miles from the airport entrance, have a little pity.

So what do you like to do to pass the time when traveling in your car?