Keeping on My Toes

It’s 20 days and counting before the Monte Carlo heads south to Florida.  Not too soon to start thinking about that warm weather chore……toes!  You don’t have to worry too much about toes during the winter.  I mean “out of sight, out of mind”.

Slippered Toes


Socked Toes


Booted Toes

But, come warm weather, you are faced with the problem of…..

Sandaled Toes!

Some people go REALLY overboard with their toe maintenance.

I prefer a much simpler approach although I do admit that I like a little toe “bling”.

Toes are so important that people even write songs about them……Zac Brown Band “Toes”…….

“I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
Life is good today, life is good today”

I’ll be ready, Zac.